Garwood Water Cooperative
Every Drop Counts
Update on our new well - https://www.garwoodwatercoop.com/well-3-update
The Garwood Water Cooperative is a nonprofit organization created specifically for the purpose of supplying domestic drinking water to it's members in North Idaho.
Service Area
If you would like to see if you are eligible for water service with the Garwood Water Cooperative see our
Service Area
In Case of Emergency
If you have or see water running, you should immediately call Bob Chandler at (208) 691-3428​
Cross Connection Compliance and Backflow Testing
Any water system with more than 15 connections is considered a community water system. All community water systems are under State Law to implement and enforce a Cross Connection Control Program to better protect the water they serve
Back Flow Testing: For the year 2019 we will continue implementing our Backflow testing program. This is a Federal Regulation that we are bound by law to uphold. Learn More